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DFI Ultra LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D DFI Ultra LANParty UT nF4 Ultra-D: Based on the nForce4 Ultra chipset and sporting two PCIe Graphics slots, we see what else this board has to offer.
Date: December 8, 2005
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SiSoft Sandra CPU

SiSoft Sandra Multimedia

SiSoft Sandra Memory

While the PR rating is holding up well in the AMD64 line in comparison with the Intel 520, we see that the ASUS is actually more efficient with its overclock on the CPU arithmetic coming in at ~24% increase performance on a ~25% overclock. As compared to the DFI which hits ~21% performance increase on a ~25% overclock.

For the CPU Multimedia we have a large variance on the part of the DFI, while the Integer iSSE2 is a healthy 30%, the Float iSSE2 is a dismal 13%. ASUS managed to be pretty fluent across the board with a 23-24% increase.

The memory benchmark goes the way of DFI hands down, ASUS managed a 13% increase in performance, showing that DDR2 still has a ways to go. DFI settled in nicely with a 24% gain across the board.


This is a newer test for Viperlair, and from what I could see running (well flying by) as the test’s proceeded, appears to be a real world attempt. This benchmark launches MS Office applications creating web pages and moving pictures and text in-between word, excel and power point and Macromedia flash etc. Something one might actually do (well, maybe with the exception of Front Page). At the stock speeds, the ASUS outperforms the DFI, but only slightly in the Office portion, content is taken strongly by the DFI.


This is an interesting chart, even with the clock disadvantage, the DFI outperforms the ASUS by a fair margin. Even the overclock performance gain is advantage DFI at 16% to 14%.

TMPGEnc MPEG Encoding

This is where the ASUS (Intel based) should shine, however, that is not the case. It appears that the Venice core and DFI implemented NF4 chipset have taken that advantage away. ASUS does manage a slight performance gain advantage on this test.


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