Doom 3

Same story we've been seeing all day. Doom 3 does get a major boost with the 930MHz settings though.
Photoshop CS
We're still working on standardizing this benchmark, but Photoshop is probably one of the biggest ram hogs on the market. I took a 6MP, 40MB file and ran 15 filters through it. The time it took (minutes, seconds) was what was recorded and lower times are better.

Pretty good showing by the 5400UL, but clock speeds seem to rule the day here. The 930MHz set 8000UL finishes on top, with the 800MHz setting taking second.
Windows Media Encoder 9

As with Photoshop, we can see the differences in clock speed playing a part in video editing.
Final Words
Before continuing with our conclusions, we should point out one obvious thing that is accurate about 90% of the time when dealing with quality memory products. At equal clock speeds and timings, you will hardly spot any differences in ram performance. Furthermore, provided we stick with brand name parts, in many cases you can easily match overclocks and so forth.
The main reason we stuck with default timings was to simply illustrate the performance differences at those settings. Yes, we made two adjustments for the Corsair TWIN2X-8000UL today, but in these cases we underclocked it. We allowed the MSI P4N Diamond to detect the default SPDs and ran our benchmarks. Could we have run the Crucial modules at the same settings as the Corsair at 800MHz? Yes. However, we feel that in this case Crucial should be selling their modules at those settings. Our benchmarks today were designed to somewhat compare out of the box performance and nothing more.
Now, getting back to the actual review, it's pretty obvious that DDR2 is ready more than ever for the enthusiast market. The fact that we couldn't even reach the "stock" speeds of the Corsair TWIN2X-8000UL goes to show that the onus has now shifted to the memory controller designers. Even at our 930MHz settings, R.S.T. Pro2 gave the passing grade, which is something we were unable to do with other ram modules rated at 800MHz. Of course, in passing the R.S.T. Pro2 tests, stability was never in question (except at 940MHz and up, but that is more likely a motherboard issue).
In the event something does go awry, Corsair backs up their products with a lifetime warranty. Furthermore, there are several avenues for support including a great forum, email and a toll free number.
The only possible drawback we can see is the overclocking potential past its rated speed is currently unknown since our MSI motherboard could not even reach the rated speed. Priced at about , it is a bit expensive but not much more so than PC6400 kits. Of course, whether or not the Corsair TWIN2X-8000UL will be worth it will depend heavily on your current setup.

(If your PC can handle it)
Pros: Great performance, quality construction, lifetime warranty and plenty of support routes.
Cons: None for the ram, but possibly the rest of your hardware setup.
Bottom Line: If you're running air cooling on a 915P/925X based motherboard with a Pentium 4 5xx series processor, this kit may not make a whole lot of sense. Otherwise, owners of 955X or nForce 4 SLI boards with a Pentium Extreme Edition will want to give this kit a close look.
If you have any comments, be sure to hit us up in our forums.