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Cooler Master Neon LED Fan

Written By:
Date Posted: October 9, 2002


About a year ago, I remember looking around the web at some of the modding sites. They all looked pretty much the same, relatively few updates of the unique kind. Then out of the blue someone came up with putting LED's into your fan's blades. For a novice at modding or soldering, it wasn't exactly the easiest mod to start out with, and I guess some of the companies out there must have realised this. It wasn't long before LED Fans kits started appearing. These were basically just an LED that could be positioned behind the blades of a fan and were pretty crap really. Next came LED Fans. The difference between these and the original mod though is the fact that the fan is totally clear, with the LED's housed in the corners of the fan unit rather than the blades. Everyone and there uncle are selling these things now, including , so let's take a closer look and see what they have to offer. Big thanks to for supplying the review product here today, the .


" Size: 80 x 80 x 25 mm
" Rated Voltage: 12 VDC
" Bearing Type: Rifle bearing (patented)
" Input Current: 0.15 A
" Rotation Speed: 2500 RPM
" Air flow: 32.11 CFM
" Acoustical Noise: 25.0 dB(A)
" Input Power: 1.80 W.
" Life Expectance: 50,000 hrs.
" Continuous at 25 , 45~85% relative humidity.
" 4 LEDs implemented to the outer rim of the frame which gives the best glowing effect
" 3 pin connector for mainboard speed detection
" No additional wires required
" Best choice for show case
" New Rifle bearing - The More Silent Solution

In the Box

Included in the box is :-

1x Coolermaster 80mm NEON Blue LED Case Fan
1x 3 pin to 4 pin adaptor
4x Mounting Screws

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