Written By:
Date Posted: July 26, 2002
First Looks
Of course the first thing you have to do is install the program, which went without a hitch. Once this was done I then proceeded to install the 2 sets of tutorial files, the first being the HTML files and the second being the samples for the tutorial help files. When you run the program for the first time you are presented with a very sleek and easy on the eyes GUI. Usual suspects are here as with any kind of editing program, consisting of the menu's, toolbar and floating windows.
I used MySoundStudio on 2 different systems, just to see how it handled the different resources on offer from both. For the majority of it I was testing and exploring the program on my 1.4 Athlon with 512meg DDR running WinXP. It worked just as well on my pIII 800 with 256meg of PC133 running Win98SE, although naturally it did react slower when loading or dealing with large files. It is still faster than any program I have tried but does slow down a lot whilst loading files initially on both systems, but once the file is loaded its full steam ahead. It is a system hog, using up quite a lot of memory which is in turn tied to the speed of the program, but this is perfectly normal for a program such as this.
Loading in a stereo MP3 displays the waveforms of both the left and right channels allowing you to edit them separately. You can add a multitude of effects to the entire track or just a selected part of the track via the pull down effects menu. All of these effects pop up a window to allow you to tweak the individual effect to your liking.
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