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CPU Benchmarking, VL Style: This guide is to walk you through VL CPU testing methods. The first part in our series will deal with movie audio extraction and MPG encoding.

Date: November 4, 2003
Manufacturer: N/A
Written By:

Given the several changes VL has made on testing CPUs, we'll be presenting a series of guides on how to properly use the applications we use. The guide will cover movie audio extraction and MPG encoding. This guide will also apply for memory and motherboard testing as well. Two applications will be covered today, in order:

Prior to editing any video files, you will need DivX 5.05 or higher installed. The movie file we use is . The file is zipped in Quicktime format. You will need to convert it into AVI format. To do so, download , and . Select the DivX 5.05 compression format. This should take 3-10 minutes, depending on your system speed.

The rest of this guide, we are assuming the coverted file is saved as animatrixlgfinal_dl.avi.

VirtualDub 1.5.8 Audio Extraction

Start by and extracting it into its own folder. Start the app by double clicking VirtualDub.exe. In the app, open the animatrixlgfinal_dl.avi file. Once that is open, go to File, then select File information.

This will open up this window...

Under Frame size, fps, the number you want to take note of is the frame rate. Assuming you have converted the MOV to AVI as instructed, it should be 24.040 fps. Now it's time to extract the audio.

Go to Audio, then select Full Processing Mode. Go back to Audio, and select Compression.

This will open a window...

You'll need to select No Compression (PCM). Click Ok. Go back to Audio, and select Conversion.

This will open a new window...

Select 44100Hz, and click ok. We're ready to extract the audio now. Go to file, then Save WAV.

This will open the save window...

I called my file animatrix, but any name will do. Save it to a convenient spot, preferably in the same directory as your AVI file. Click save.

The WAV file is now being outputted. The time to record for benchmarking purposes is the Time Elapsed. Pay close attention to it, as the window will immediately close when it is complete. I left the Processing thread priority as Normal, which is the default setting. Just as the window is about to close, remember to spot the Time Elapsed.

You now have the audio extraction time of a 150MB AVI file, as well as the required WAV for the TMPGEnc test.


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