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OCZ Technology 4GB Rally2 USB Flash Drive
No bigger than a small battery, OCZ's latest Rally is sleekerand more ergonomic than the original.
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We looked at the OCZ Rally when it first came out and concluded it was one of the fastest, as well as one of the smallest flash drives on the market. To be honest, for most people, speed and capacity should be the two key factors (price being third) when shopping for a flash drive, but the Rally's small size made it really easy to take around. Even the physically larger flash drives aren't that big, but you'll have to see a Rally up close to appreciate how svelte it is.
Fast forward to today and we'll be looking at the . Like the original Rally, the Rally 2 is also very slick and ergonomic, perhaps more so that the original. We'll be looking at the 4GB model, but OCZ also offers a higher capacity 16GB.

The Rally 2 Turbo is packaged in a clear hardplastic shell with all the usual marketing slogans slapped onthe package. The three main selling points on the package areDual Channel, USB 2.0 and Lifetime Warranty. The USB 2.0 is reallya given since no modern memory device will dare use USB 1.1 orless. So, breaking down the other two features:
Dual Channel Memory: Truthfully, Googling thisturned up about a 90% return referencing OCZ products. I'm nottoo sure what other manufacturers use Dual Channel. I know corsair'sFlash Voyager does, but OCZ makes a point that they do thus answeringany questions one may have about that. OCZ rates the Rally 2 Turboat up to 32-35MB/s (read), 8-15MB/s (write). What does this mean?We'll test soon enough, but we already know from a traditionalmemory standpoint, dual channel is far faster than single channel.
Lifetime Warranty: Flash drives are generallyvery durable. Only drive I ever had die on my due to manufacturerdefect was a jobber I picked up while traveling overseas. Thatsaid, a lifetime warranty is a big deal as this is saying a lotabout a manufacturer's confidence in their products. Granted,if you sling it across the room, intending it to go into yourbuddy's hands, except he can't catch a beach ball if his lifedepended on it and the Rally 2 ends up flying out the window,10 floors down and into a wood chipper... chances are you'll beSOL and have to buy a new one.

Once you crack the packaging open, the three keyitems you'll find are the Rally 2 itself, a lanyard and a USBextension cable. The cable is useful for those who do not havefront USB ports on their case and have the computer tower in aninconvenient location. Just plug this cable's male connectioninto the back and leave the female connection on your desk. Thelanyard is more or less a string you slip on to the Rally to towear around your neck or wrist. Very useful, especially when cruisingthe night life at your local gym.

The Rally 2 Turbo is designed pretty much like anyother thumb drive in that it is rectangular in shape. On one side,there is a big OCZ logo, you know, just in case you forget whomakes it, and on the other side, as pictured above, is the modellogo as well as the capacity. The cap also has the OCZ logo aswell.

We mentioned the Rally 2 is tiny, and to put things into perspective,pictured above is a AA battery and the Rally 2. The Rally 2 withthe cap on measures roughly 2 5/8" x 5/8", and weighsbarely anything. The brushed aluminum shell gives it a firm andsolid feel. The cap is also metal, thus protecting the USB connectionas well. The Rally 2 is of "normal" proportion, so inother words, it doesn't flare outwards in any way. This is goodin that it should fit easily side by side with an adjacent USBconnection if something else is plugged in. That is assuming ofcourse the other item is also not of an unusual shape.

The Rally 2 features a glowing orange LED to indicateactivity. The loop for the lanyard is also here and not on thecap. Some drives have the lanyard loop on the cap, which doesn'tdo one much good should the drive be removed from the cap.

No drivers are needed and the Rally 2 shows up namedcorrectly in Windows Explorer.