Yet, with the way Intel operates, we knew that a new chipset was right around the corner. Around said corner we have come and so has that chipset, which is dubbed Z68, and shares the Cougar Point codename. Intel graced the Z68 with a few more features, added performance tweaks and improved power efficiency to your rig. ASRock was quick to send us over a couple of their motherboards featuring the Z68 where we decided to find out what is no doubt on many of your minds: Is upgrading to Z68 worth? Read on as we run through the board and find out just that.
MSI are a company which has improved its quality and range of products exponentially in the past few years. They produce a variety of computing components ranging from graphics cards to motherboards and even to notebooks. They offer some of the best priced components for the value segments of the market and also some of the best performing components for the enthusiasts out there. The P67A-GD65 is one of the more recent boards MSI have released. It is part of the MSI Military class range of components and also contains useful features like the updated OC Genie 2 and UEFI click BIOS. It is packed to the brim with features and comes in at a very affordable price tag of around ?130. It has some stiff competition in the similarly priced P67A-UD4 from Gigabyte and the slightly more expensive P8P67 PRO from Asus though. So does the GD65 live up to its military class advertising? Or is it just class clown? Lets take a look.
The SSD technology of today is worlds better than what we had in 2009. Better understanding of the technology, mature controllers, Windows 7, SATA 6Gb/sec and even the PCI-e bus have all advanced things to a point where SSDs are coming close to mainstream adoption. Pricing is also much more attractive as evident by the drive we are looking at today, OCZ’s Agility 3 240GB unit. The Agility 3 is one of three new SATA 6Gb/sec SSDs and is classified as a high-performance drive alongside the higher-end Vertex 3.
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